Monthly Archives: March 2016

Vosburgh Swamp Preserve


This past Saturday, I went for a walk in a park I had never been to before.  The Vosburgh Swamp Preserve runs along the west side of the Hudson River between the towns of Coxsackie and Athens, NY. It is a lovely, quiet area at least this time of year.  I’m not sure I’d stop by in autumn when it’s deer hunting season.

Seasonal Greens


Outside an Antique Store

Outside an Antique Store

I took this picture in late autumn, 2015 on a highway outside Coxsackie, NY.  I was turning around in the parking lot and caught sight of this old car.  After walking up and down aisles of old furniture, clothing, books, glassware and jewelry, my mind was on the past. There was the rusty car–yet another connection to a time I vaguely recall.